This option adds more powerful colors too. This way I added some more contrast and compensated the unwanted sideeffects by Bloom, which make the complete image more brighter. This adds some cinematic-look on the game, which is kind of epic.

By MagicBloom, I added some overall Bloom, like an overlay, with Display- or Windowdirt on it. By Bloom, I added a Lensflare, Godstreams and specific Bloom to the game. There're 2 different types of Bloom used: 1'st Bloom, 2'nd MagicBloom. You can increase the sharpness a lil bit, I left space for increasement. I increased the sharpness lightly, without oversharpen oversampling. This is the first adjustment I made, because in some scenes/cases, the game looks like a lil bit washed-out/blurred or too unsharp. Today I will share a video with a short visual "Install-Guide" and after that few steps, I will show you how the game looks like "Ingame" with the options active and deactive. I like the God-Streams and Lens-Flares the most, but for some shoots, it's the best to toggle TiltShift on. The fp/s-Impact on Endless Space 2 is not as hard as in other games.

Here are some more, where you can see the effects the more better: Let me share some photos, from the adjustments I made, with you. TiltShift (I use it only for photos, but feel free to experiment.) I like and enjoy it the most, to improve also older games like Command & Conquer f.e., because it's an improved gameexperience.ĥ) Install some libraries (at least you need:) Tom Clancy's GHOST RECON: Wildlands, Final Fantasy XV, Jurassic World: Evolution and Endless Space 2 of cause, but there're many more to explore and improve. You can add graficeffects to a lot of games, like f.e. This software is very powerful and you can get the best high end graficcards down on their knies, with the correct settings and adjustments. Short Intro: ReShade is a Grafic-Tweak, to add and adjust some effects to (supported) games, who aren't included, like Depth-Of-Field or Fog f.e. I created this thread for some modifications of visual effects, by using ReShade v3.4.0 (a third-party-software).įor the Crax and Pro's, that's still nothing new, but for everyone else, here's my part.